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SAP IS-Utility Tax: End to End Config


End to End Tax configuration of SAP IS-Utility FICA:

Introduction: Tax code configuration is done in SAP at country level, reason of this all business in the same country need to follow the same taxation policies.

Tax configuration is store in SAP in the form of tax calculation procedure and tax code. 

Type of Tax in SAP:

  1. INPUT TAX (V): All purchase related transaction can be use input tax.

  2. OUTPUT TAX(A): All sales related transaction can be use output tax.

Configuration for Output tax:

Step 1: Check calculation procedure

T Code: OBYZ

Path--- SPRO—FI(New)—FIGS(New)—Tax on sales/Purchases—Check calculation procedure

Execute check calculation procedure: Enter new entry, Here I have taken custom ZAXD Procedure

Enter steps, Ctype, From and Account key:

Step2: Assign County to calculation tax procedure


Path--- SPRO—FI(New)—FIGS(New)—Tax on sales/Purchases— Assign County to calculation tax procedure

Step 3: Maintain Tax Code


Path--- SPRO—FI(New)—FIGS(New)—Tax on sales/Purchases— Calculation—Define tax code

Giving as 10% output tax for sales/invoice/debit entry

Step 4: Assign Tax code GL ACCOUNT

Step5. Define Tax code in FICA

Path--- SPRO—FI(New)—CARP—BF—Documents—MDA--Posting and documents—Define sales/Purchase tax determination

Step 6: GL Account Determination of Tax

Path--- SPRO—FI(New)—CARP—BF—Documents—Define account assignment for automatic posting—Automatic GL account —Define account for sales/Purchase 

Step 7: Account determination with sub transaction:


Step 8: Now try to post a FICA doc 


Getting error:


Open GL Account: 11003 and put * at tax category box

Now Let’s try to post FICA documents:

10% Tax is determine 

Also FICA documents successfully posted:

Output tax is 10%

TCODE: FPE3 Display FICA document

Entry at Table:

TCODE: SE16 and enter DFKKOPK and enter FICA document number 

Business partner Item:

SE16:  Enter FICA Document at DFKKOP table 


By: Sadanand Kumar


Email: sadanandkumar3213@gmail.com

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