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SAP ISU Move-In End to End Configuration & Full installation

Move-In Process End to End

In this Blog we will learn the Move-In process and its configuration.

Before Move-In, we need to have Business master data & Technical Master data.

Business master Data

Business partner (BP/FPP1)
Contract Account(CAA1)

 Technical Master Data                            

Connection Object  (ES55)
Device Location(ES65)

We have already created: Business partner and Contract account.

So we’ll use existing business partner and contract account. Once we do move-in, in the background Contract will create.

So let’s create Technical Master Data:

Connection object & Premise (TCODE: ES60)


Let’s create Device:


Let’s create device location:


Device location: 12

Now let’s create installation:


We have completed TMD, Now we ll do full installation, Post device will be installed at

device location functional location.

In full installation, we’ll have 2 components. 

Technical installation (It maintains the information of connection object, device location etc.)
Billing installation (Register data—billing attributes)


Let’s check to installation and device location:

TCODE: ES32, Device is linked to installation and we can see rate data

Go-to Device location and check that our device is installed on Functional location:

Device is successfully installed at functional location.

Let’s do some customization for move-in:

Step1: Define no range for move-in, since move-in is a number range object. Once we do move-in , it will give move-in document number.

Path: SPRO-SAP utility-Customer service-Process execution-move-in –Define number ranges

Step 2: Define move-in control parameters at document level, here we adjust setting of the

move-in with our company code

Step 3: Now will extend the move-in setting with our division and billing class.

Step 4: Define Control Parameters for Meter Reading Data Processing

 Here we maintain the relation of meter reading with our company code and division

In general before meter reading, we need to have meter reading order but when we do move-in,

In the background it’ll automatically create meter reading order (06).

Based on this Control System: it will create Meter reading order once when we do move-in/move out

Now we have everything, let’s create move-in documents:


Check the table entry:

TCODE: SE16 and enter EEINV

Check the installation:

Check the contract:

Thanks, That all about today’s blog. Please comments if you need any help or please give feedback. 

In next blog, we will work on Facts, Price, billing and invoice. 

Happy learning 

By: Sadanand Kumar


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