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SAP ISU Interview Question and Answer:

 1. What is SAP ISU Data Model?

Ans: It is a core data of an enterprises, whose  rarely changed and it describe overall business process. It is of 2 types i.e Business Master data & Technical master data.

2.       What is Business Master Data.
Ans: Any master data that is used for billing a customer for the services provided is grouped under Business master data. For e.g., a business  partner who is a person or an organization.

3.       What is technical master Data?
Ans: Any master data that is used for actually providing the services are grouped under Technical Data. For e.g., a device or a meter that is installed in a customer location.

4.       What are the types of BMD?
Ans: There are 3 types:
a.       Business partner
b.      Contract Account
c.       Contract

5.       What are the types of TMD?
Ans: There are 6 types:
a.       Device
b.      Device location
c.       Connection object
d.      Premise
e.       Installation
f.        Point of Delivery
g.       Device Category

6.       What is BP?
Ans: A business partner could be a person, an organization, a future customer, a contact person or even an installer who is licensed to provide the utilities services on behalf of the utility company. We assigned a role for business partner.

7.       What is Contract?
Ans:  A contract is the legal agreement that the business partner has entered with the utility for a particular service. For e.g., a utility may provide electricity, gas and water services. Usually a contract is created in the system for each of these services so that the customer can be billed appropriately.

8.       What is Contract account?
Ans: A contract account is a logical way of grouping various contracts. The contract account is used for maintaining the payment, dunning and collection rules that are common to a group of contracts. It is through the contract account, the business partner is linked to the contracts.
When we try to create contract account, The contract account will try to maintain certain information:
…..Payment information
……Accounting information
…..Print information
Our invoice will also happen contract account level.
One business partner can multiple contract account but one contract account can have only one business partner at a given point of time.

9.       What is Device?
Ans: It is a physical device. It could be an electric meter, gas meter, regulator, sensor etc. Every device has a unique serial number and in SAP a utility device is a nothing but a equipment with a serial number. Each service will have at least 1 Device.
10.   What is Device Location?
Ans: It is physical location of the device. More than one device can be in a device location or each device can be its own location. For e.g., in my house, the gas meter is outside the house but the water meter is inside the house. So these would be treated as two device locations that have two individual devices installed. Device locations are handy to capture the co-ordinates so that when there is a maintenance activity to be performed on the device, it is easy for the field personnel to locate the device.

11.   What is connection Object?
Ans: It is an address that will maintain as functional location and plant maintenance.
It is the physical location where the various services are provided. It is also known as service address. If we try to identify an apartment, the entire apartment building is connection object. An individual Flat no are premise. The connection object links premises, device locations and connections to the postal regional structure. Tcode:ES55

12.   What is premise?
Ans: The premise is an enclosed spatial unit that is supplied with energy, for example, an apartment or factory. If we try to identify an apartment, the entire apartment building is connection object. An individual Flat no are premise. In SAP, when we create a premise we need to give a reference of connection object. It extended the service address further. T CODE:ES60

13.   What is Installation?
Ann: It represent a services, As many service we are providing to that particular premise , those many installation will be created.
In utility if they provide 7 different services
Water ,Waste water, Storm water, Trash, Recycle ,Bulky and misslenious  Total 7 services , so BP ll be getting 7 different installation on particular premise. So the number of installation differ based on the no of services provide to a particular premise.
The main purpose of Installation are:
a.       It represent services
b.      It will group the premise for scheduling purpose and Billing purpose. T CODE:ES 30
That mean installation represent billing and as well as scheduling. Installation is group based on billing class ,rate category and MR Unit etc. Billing class is use for billing purpose and rate category is also use for billing purpose like what rate you are applying, what charge you are applying, what is the logic behind calculation, how may charge you are applying.
14.   What is key date in SAP ISU/Installation?
Ans: When we try to create installation it ll ask us to enter key date. Logically in implementation , utility company may ask you to migrate 2 year data from non-sap system to sap system then the key date will be implementation minus 2 years data. It depends on which date the service is being provided on that particular property.
The purpose of Key date is
 It ll have a restriction, any activity which we want to perform on any installation will be possible only after key date, prior of this the sap isu not accepted any transaction. In simple it is called valid from date.
15.   What is point to Delivery?
Ans: Point of Delivery: This is a globally identified unique service point where a utility service is provided. In a deregulated market (a topic in itself), there are multiple service providers providing a customer different services. For e.g,, a utility company will be providing the actual electricity and any associated infrastructure around it whereas another provider will be able to provide billing, customer service and other related services. So, in a deregulated market, it becomes important to uniquely identify service point and it is done using the point of delivery data object. There is a 1:1 relationship between point of delivery and installation.
16.   What  is Device category?
Ans: Device Category: This groups the various devices in to different categories based on the technical characteristics. This enables us to maintain the data that is common for a group of devices, there by grouping them in a logical way. Some examples of device categories are Meter, Transformer, Pressure regulator etc.

17.   What is billing master data and types?
Ans: It manages the master data and basic settings that remain unchanged over a long period of time and that controls contract billing. Here we can define the rate structures that contain the billing rules for the utility company
a.     Billing class
b.     Rate type
c.     Price
d.     Variant program
e.     Operand
f.      Rate
g.     Schema
h.     Rate category
18.   What is Rate Type and what are types of Rate category?
Ans: Rate type is maintained at register level, which classifies register for billing. Typical examples in electricity industry are:
                                                                   - On peak rate
- Off peak rate
Now, lets say, we have two types of customer - Residential and Commercial. We have different rates during on-peak and off-peak.
Type of customer will be identified by Rate Category and on-peak/off-peak by rate type at register level. This is called rate determination where rate category and rate type plays a important role.
Based on your business needs, you need to identify rate types (which is usually a one time activity).
Rate type and rate category jointly are responsible for rate determination.
19.   What is payment lot?
Ans: It unable us to process incoming and outgoing payment. In Simply it create payment against invoice documents. It can be done on T-Code FP05

 21.   What is  Dunning and its implementation?

Ans: Dunning is a gentle reminder to the defaulter who may be customer or vendor, who did not pay their last bill or forgot to pay.
Dunning procedure is assigned to contract account or individual open item.
Dunning procedure use to run 
In real time we use 2 type of dunning:
1. Standard Dunning
2. Final Dunning
Steps of Dunning:
1.       Define dunning category
2.       Define Dunning Level Category
3.       Define Charge category level
4.       Documents type of dunning charges
5.       Configuration charge of schedules for dunning procedure
6.       Define Dunning Activities
7.       Configuration Dunning Procedures
22.   What is creditworthiness?
Ans: It is a score which use to maintain customer credit rating. The lower the rating better the customer credential.
Score depends on:
a.       Dunning
b.      Return
c.       Payment Deferrals
d.      Installment
e.       Security Deposits
23.   Business partner configuration ?
Ans:      Goto SPRO---Cross Application Components—SAP Business Partner—Basic setting—BP Roles—Define BP Role
Step 1: Define BP Roles & Grouping 
Step 2: Assign Number Ranges
Step 3: Define Grouping and Assign number range
Step 4:Field Grouping
Configure Field attributes per BP Role
Note: In Basic setting we can configure : BP Types, Identification number, Address , Tax Details etc
 24.   Contract Account Configuration?
Ans: SPRO—Financial accounting (New)—Contract account Receivable and Payable—Basic Function—Contract Account—Number ranges and Contract Account Category—Define no range
After this we need to go --Configure Contract account category and assign number system
We can maintain it as standard or collective , there are few parameter , that is OP,CB,INT N,EXT N,CV (Customer or vendor) These are control parameter for contract account category level.
If I check the box of CB(Collective bill) then it behaves like collective contract account and blank it behaves like standard contract account.
Now for field modification:
Basic setting—Contract account—Field modification—Configure field attributes for contract account category level.

25.   What is Account in Legacy?
Ans : If client is switching from Non SAP System to SAP System. As part of GO live, there is a cut over activity, On that date there will have an agreement to utility saying all 2 year or 1 year of data from legacy system we will push it to SAP system.
26.   What is tolerance group?
Ans: It is related to over payment and under payment

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