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Device Management Interview question and answer

 Device Management Interview question and answer:

1.      What is device management?
Ans: DM is SAP ISU module which manages technical data, installation, meter reading, and the inspection of devices.
2.      What are the Markets we have in Utilities?
Ans: Regulated and De-regulated
3.      How to know whether it’s a Regulated or De-regulated market?
Ans: In ES32 transaction.
4.       What are the scenarios that you have worked on Billing & Invoicing?
Ans: : Periodic billing, Back Billing, Final Billing, Adjustment Billing, Manual Billing, EDI Billing and Dual Billing.
5.       What are the Scenarios you worked on Device Management?
Ans: New Connection, Reconnection, Disconnection process, Un-metered, Metered, Move-In, Move-Out, and Dunning

6.       What is meant by Billing?
Ans:  Billing is the process that is used to convert the entered meter reading results into consumption. It also includes bill amount calculation process and consumption. ... SAP ISU Billing is mainly used to calculate the bill amount

7.       What is Register group?
Ans: This component groups together the registers of one device category or one device, including technical data (such as number of digits and type of display) and billing data (such as rate usage type). Registers meter consumption and demand. Registers can be actual physical devices or displays in electronic devices.
8.       How many types of billing are there?
Ans: Periodic billing, Manual Billing and Final Billing
9.       What are the interfaces that you recently worked?
Ans: Streamserve
10.   What is disconnection & reconnection table?
Ans: Edisdoc
11.  What are the register used for consumption?
        Ans:  KWH means kilo watt hours it is units of active energy consumption(active). these                      type  of energy measurement is used for domestic loads
KVARH means kilo volt amperes reactive hours,units of reactive energy consumption, used in industries
KVAH kilo volt ampere hours, means total energy consumption

12.  What is active ,reactive energy and power factor?

Active energy: the electric receivers powered by electric current transform the energy into mechanical work and heat. This useful effect is called “active energy” and is measured in kWh.The receivers formed by purely resistive circuits (heaters, incandescent light bulb, etc.) only use this type of energy.
Reactive energy: there are several receivers, such as motors, transformer, reactance, etc., that need magnetic fields in order to work. These equipments are generally inductive, they absorb energy from the network in order to create magnetic fields and return it while they disappear. With this exchange of energy, an additional consumption is used that it's not useful for the receivers. This energy is called “reactive” and it's measured in VAR. The reactive energy produces an overload in lines, transformers and generators, without producing a useful performance. However, it's recorded in the bill, so it can considerably increase the total amount to pay
Power factor (cos φ): It relates the consumption of the active and apparent energy in an installation. The apparent energy also depends on the active and reactive energy. For the same consumption of active energy, the more reactive energy is used the less the power factor is and the more the economic penalty is (in case cosφ is under a specific value).

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