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Billing Master Data- Price and Facts

 In this blog we’ll continue our Billing master data journey:

Till now we have completed customization of our Billing master Data. 

Only Price and Facts groups were pending. So today we’ll cover our rest master data.

If you miss you may check from this link : Billing Master Data

In previous blog, we have created rate and used variant program “Quanti01”: 

In variant program is functional module which contains the billing rule, Here rule is like

Amount= Quantity * Price

Here 3 variables are using that mean for each variable we have to create “Operand”.

Operand 1(Quantity) = 10-1

Operand 2(Price) = 10-2

Operand3 (Amount)=10-3

Every month we perform meter reading, Based on the general formula:

Actual Consumption= Current month reading-Previous month meter reading

Ex: Your previous month reading was 200KWH and current is 300KWH then your actual consumption


1KWH= 1 Unit

Let’s say your 1 unit cost of electricity= 10 Rs

Then for 100 KWH

Amount=100*10=1000 Rs 

Meter reading result we have to enter for particular register, We maintain the rate type at register level, based on that rate would be calculated for that register, Currently we are having one register of device, so it would be updated on installation. After that system can identify the quantity based on that customer has to pay for the month. But it would be depends on price, In our system we have maintain operand for price, Once we designed price based on that we must have to assigned to the Facts.

Facts: It is like a container where we provide the price key to the particular operand. 

In our ISU system, there are 3 way to config. Facts:

1. We can maintain the operand value for installation level

2. We can maintain the operand value at Rate cat level 3. We can maintain the operand value at at Rate level

Let’s define Price:


Here you may see Price Category, there are 4 types

1. Quantity-based price—It is use for quantity based, Energy amount will be calculated based on

quantity based price( like above exam in KWH) 2. Flat rate – It is fixed based charges. You have to pay fixed amount for services. 3. Rental price—It is used for device rental like meter or transformer etc. Time-Dependent Price—It is calculated based demand of energy, like on peak , off peak etc , here demand amount would be calculated on time dependent prices.

Price Type

1. Standard price—As per consumption quantity, it will apply the price. Ex: 100*10 Rs =1000Rs, if your consumption quantity is 200 kwh then 200*10=2000 Rs (here I’m considering 10 Rs for price)

2. Block price—It is calculated based block or slab. Ex: your actual consumption is 100 KWH,

It would divided into n number of block as per the business. 

Price: For up to 10 KWH= 0rs, For Up to 50 KWH= 5 Rs , up to 100= 10 Rs

Total amount= would be like:

From 11 to 50 KWH= 40 KWH*5=200Rs

From 50 to 100KWH=50*10=500 Rs

Total Energy amount= 700 Rs

3. Scale Price= Similar way it is calculated based scale.

Here I’m taking standard price category.

Need to provide Billing class, unit of measurement and division:

Once we done then we need to go to “History” and need to enter Quantity base as 1 and price amount.

Here we have to provide the valid date which is use to start our price, and it would be applicable from that only. 

Once we done this activity then save and internal number would be assigned for price. Here 10001 is for our price.

Now We have completed the price, but how our system identify for which operand price would be maintained, for that we have to create Facts.

We have installation number: 800003, Let’s go to TCODE: ES31

Here we need to provide price operand.

Now we have assigned price to operand.

Document By: Sadanand

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