FICA: Reset Clear items- End to End process
Reset FICA Document
Topics: End to end of Reset Clear in FICA
A FICA document was posted using transaction FPE1.
Accounting entry for doc no 50049.
Table DFKKOP entry:
Payment completed (FPCD). Once the payment is completed (Doc-50049), a clearing document is created (50050), and a separate line item is generated with the same clearing document number (50050).
Accounting entry for cleared/Payment document (50050).
Following the payment, the DFKKOP table view reflects as clearing status change from blank to 9 (Cleared). Additionally, details such as the clearing document, clearing date, posting date of clearing, clearing reason, clearing currency, and clearing amount become visible.
After reset the clearing item the account display page. Main & Sub-Transaction will be differed with the transactions ex: Payment (0060/0010) Return: (0070/0010)
After perform the reset clearing (Doc-50050) there is a different clearing item generate (1000182) in 2 line item.
One of them is open credit another one is Clearing doc.
Original FICA Doc(50049) is re-open.
The accounting entry for the new clearing item 1000182.
A payment document was posted for an amount of 500 (Doc-50049), which was settled by the customer with 490 (Doc-50050) after applying a 10 Rs discount. Once the reset clear was performed, the FICA document (50049) was reopened, and the payment document was posted as an open credit alongside the reset clear document 1000182.
Before the reset clear, the total balance was 1790 Rs.
After the payment of 490 Rs and clearing the 500 Rs FICA document (50049), the total balance was adjusted.
Following the reset clear, the total balance became 1300 Rs.
The calculation is as follows: 1790 - 490 = 1300 Rs.
Reset Clear tables:
Here Doc No: 50049: Receivable doc which was posted through FPE1
Clear Doc:50050: Payment doc
Reset Clear Doc: 000001000182: It posted once we reset through FP07
Credit: Subhankar & Bipasha
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