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Portion & MRU: SAP ISU DM

                                                           Schedule master Data

Portion and MRU together are called scheduling.

There are 3 types:

  1. Parameter record

  2. Portion

  3. MRU

  1. Parameter record: It use for budget billing and use this to generate due dates for the budget billing amounts when you create the portion schedule records. When we create portion then it would be mandatory field.


  1. Portion: The portion groups utility contracts according to regional and organizational criteria for billing purposes. We don’t allocate directly portion into contract or vice versa, there are indirect allocation through MRU. In installation we maintain MRU. If you go to ES32 , you may see this.

Alternate portion: It overrides the indirect allocation between portion and contract. An alternative portion in a contract groups together installations that have a different meter reading unit. These installations are then billed together. In order for this to happen, billing and invoicing must be executed with the alternative portion as the selection criteria. 

Portion & MRU

In this diagram, Portion A,B,C contains : Multiple MRU based on the location/service territory.

In SAP Let’s create a portion:

Go to TCODE: E41B and enter any desired number or alpha-numeric.

Enter parameter record, End billing period, Allocation date, Schedule billing date and rest desire parameter.


Schedule record:  without it we can’t not create meter reading order


To create Schedule master For MRU:

Go-to TCODE:EA43

To display the schedule record:

Go-to TCODE: E40A

For portion:

For MRU:

Here are list of records, which could be use while doing Meter reading

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